Witchcraft combined with artificial intelligence and clone bodies

I am a cult survivor from an old ladie‘s new age cult from Bolinas, California. The focus here is not how I came out of it and got delivered from the demonic teachings of Buddhism and the trance or hypnosis of her singy-sangy voice as Margaret Singer described it really well in one of her interviews about cult leaders.

While Bolinas itself seems to be a new age hub of all kinds of gurus and new age witchcraft, I have been six years into the teachings of so-called „open-intelligence transmissions“, namely video conferences and live lectures of Tibetan Buddhist scriptures interpreted in modern day, scientifically and poetically inspired language.

On the outside, the cult represented itself as an open minded coaching or counseling offer with an NGO label. In the inner circle, the cult leader presented herself as a Rinpoche according to her Buddhist teachers and as a guru. During her lectures she told her disciples a lot of personal details, which I mentioned in the headline of this post.

I got suspicious, when I found out, that cloning is real and the public has no clue about the satanic agenda behind it. I have heard this woman talk about the LHC in Switzerland and about transferring a mind from one body into another with a smile in her face. I remember her handing us out a a text about eugenics and promoting the idea of Transhumanism.

There is no Buddhism without a guru. People are deceived and think that sitting in a lotus position is going to bring them peace. Real Buddhism is high level witchcraft and satanism. People who are gurus are cultivating siddhis, these are superpowers and do time travel and all the stuff of Harry Potter that you think is fiction. It is a union with the spirits of the dead and demonic. I believe that this woman is under mind control and has a background of elite pedophile childhood and sexual abuse. This is one of the characteristics of mkultra monarch programming.

It may be just a tiny cult but the people who are into this are very intelligent and obedient like slaves. Cults like this can be used to get pioneers for using those clone bodies and interacting with demons and artificial intelligence, the IoT run by quantum computers and the Elon Musk RFID shit that is all out.

I tried to explain this to the best of my ability. I will not disclose the name of the cult or the founder publicly to protect myself.

My intention was just to give you another piece of the puzzle.

(Originally posted on Reddit).


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