Re: Candice O’Denver and Balanced View

(…) after years of indoctrination that everything is the guru, nothing matters but the guru, she is most important, merge your mind with her and be better than you could ever be on your own.

Cult Education Institute – Online Forum

I’ve followed this cult education forum as an ex-member of bv and haven’t seen anyone posting about this, so sharing here to prevent others from being ‚road kill‘ like leslie mentioned in another post about underlying deception and mutual coverup in the nondual communities and teachings.

Posted by: JohnConst ()
Date: February 28, 2022 03:54AM

Candice promoted and celebrated crooked untrustworthy world leaders and encouraged everyone go along with getting vaccines and trusting the government/cdc/WHO no matter how many times official info flip flopped. Lots of ppl found this disturbing including myself, being advised and influenced to go along with things that very obviously are not right or at least dont share the whole picture. In the beginning this organization felt like the opposite of that: real discernment and self-responsibility. Something changed somewhere. Or they are sociopaths and everything that seemed genuine and from the heart was just part of a grand deception.

Most disturbing is a mantra that haunts me still where we were emailed a short written mantra to recite again and again where it starts out „i give all my energy to candice o’denver…“ now seeing it was maybe some occult spell i didn’t know i was participating in, (…) after years of indoctrination that everything is the guru, nothing matters but the guru, she is most important, merge your mind with her and be better than you could ever be on your own…it is a sad mess to exit if you trusted these people with everything you had. blessings to anyone exiting this kind of mind control.

Balanced view now uses the name/website ’short moments‘ ( and candice uses the name ‚ziji rinpoche‘ and recently wrote and published a book under that name called ‚when surfing a tsunami‘, they also operate under ‚open intelligence and love‘ (


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